Saturday, July 24, 2010

Happy Songs

Here's a post for anyone who needs a bit of a cheer up. Some happy, pick-me-up songs for you:

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Ok, maybe the last one isn't really a cheer up, happy song (Midnight Train), but it's one that always cheers me up.


Thursday, July 22, 2010


I thought this was funny. If only my brother had been cool enough to blow bubbles with us, the comparison would have been much more funny. Sigh.

Still a youngster at heart.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Things I've realized in the last few weeks.

So I've been going through a bunch of things in the last few weeks, nothing I'll go into detail about, but it's made me realize some stuff that's pretty important. I figured I'd share some of them with you.

1) When things get cloudy and dark, sometimes you just need a double rainbow to cheer you up. Go here if you don't already know what I'm talking about:

2) It helps to be honest.

3) A good doctor is extremely important. If you go to a doctor and you tell them one symptom and they write you a prescription immediately and send you on your merry way... They are not a good doctor. Get a new one. I've recently got a new doctor and she is great. Extremely helpful, kind, thorough, explanatory, and takes her time with her patients. She doesn't get bothered by my many questions if I'm unsure about things, or if something isn't clear she makes sure to explain so I understand. Great doctors like this are hard to find (in Edmonton anyways).

4) The power of putting a smile on someone else's face is indescribable. For me, the ability to put a smile on someone's face, puts a smile on MY face. Try it sometime. Go out of your way to do something nice, whether it be a family member, friend, stranger... I do this often, and it gives me warm fuzzies (perverts). It also creates a nice domino affect. Cheer someone up, there's a good chance their good mood will cheer someone else up, etc, etc.

5) When a medication you are taking advises you not to take any calcium (aka dairy) while on said medication, DO NOT EAT DAIRY. Not even creamer in your coffee. Seriously, don't.

6) No matter how much technology has helped us thus far and has made things so much more easier, efficient, etc, nothing beats snail mail.

7) Sometimes in life you get stuck between a rock and a hard place, and you can't do anything about it. You just have to deal with each separately, and try to stay positive.

8) ..which leads me to this one: TRY TO STAY POSITIVE.

9) #VLAT was fun and should be done on a regular basis.

10) Music is a powerful tool to help you escape, distract you for a little while, or just make you want to forget about everything and dance. (I've realized this a loooong time ago, but figured it was post worthy again).

11) Lastly (because it's hard for me to concentrate on any more right now) Friends are one of the most important things in the WORLD. Never take them for granted. Take their advice (even if you have to take it with a grain of salt sometimes), listen to them. They know you (most of them do anyways). The true ones are just looking out for you and wanting what's best for you. It's these friends that you need to keep close and try not to lose. They help make you who you are, help you through tough times, put a smile on your face, and the trust between true friends is something that is very precious.

Ok. That's enough for now. I leave you with an overly cute picture of a reminder not to upset little Ash (that's my brother as Cookie Monster)

Sunday, July 11, 2010

The new ink addition

As promised, I'd post pics on blog once it was all done. The great thing is, my friend (@spencerjmarie) came with me, the tattoo artist is pure AWESOME, and we got to watch Zombieland (which, ironically is the exact amount of time it took to do the tattoo). In the future I'll be adding something to the left of the writing so it's not so straight-lined (something vertical along the spine that semi wraps around the writing perhaps).

Friday, July 9, 2010

Something, dear god write something. (also, Tattoo news)

Alright. Due to recent events and such and life basically being life, I have not blogged in a while. I haven't even written in ANY of the WiPs in a long while either (don't even get me started...*grumble grumble*). I'm hoping that will change soon. Reeeaaallllyyyyyy hoping, but in these instances I guess only time will tell.

Anyways! Apologies for the lack of posts. I decided to do up a quick one. So as spontaneous as my last one was, I'm getting my next tattoo tomorrow. Yay! I've been wanting to go foreverrr, and then I got laid off and there's the whole 'money woes' (blah, blah, blah - I'm a total penny pincher, financial whiz, so it's hard for me to part with money). But! With everything going on I have decided to splurge and do something for myself.

The tattoo is an excerpt from one of my favorite poems by William Wordsworth, here is the font of what I'm getting:
And then eventually I'm going to (I think) get a large flourish of forget-me-nots (flower) beside it. This bad boy will be going on my shoulder blade (right one).
Originally, I have wanted to get this as a memory/dedication, etc for my grandparents who passed away two years ago, which was an incredibly tough time for me. Now, in light of everything else going on in my life I have come to realize it IS a great piece of prose to apply to a lot of life's hardships.

Anyways. I'm going tomorrow afternoon with @spencerjmarie (on twitter). If you follow me on twitter perhaps there will be a tweetphoto or two... If not I will post on zee blog for sure.